Where Can i get legal psilocybin therapy in Oregon?

Oregon residents and visitors can now get psilocybin services legally due to a new bill. Here's what we know about getting legal psilocybin in Oregon.

Where Can I Get Legal Psilocybin Therapy In Oregon?

The recent bill has opened the doors to legal psilocybin access in the state, marking a significant shift in attitudes towards psychedelics and their potential therapeutic benefits.

Over the last few decades, psychedelics, particularly psilocybin, have transitioned from their association with the counterculture of the past to gaining genuine credibility within medical circles. Beyond the stereotypical notions linked to the "hippie" movement, psilocybin and other psychedelic medicines have become subjects of serious consideration among medical researchers and the public alike.

Researchers have increasingly recognized the therapeutic potential of psilocybin, particularly in addressing mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. Despite historical stigmas, psilocybin has emerged as a promising tool to alleviate symptoms and significantly improve the lives of individuals grappling with mood disorders. Moreover, its efficacy extends beyond mental health, with clinical trials showcasing its benefits in pain management for conditions like migraines, chronic pain, and phantom limb pain.

One of the standout features of psilocybin is its favorable safety profile. Among psychedelics, it is deemed the safest from a physiological standpoint. The Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances places psilocybin ahead of substances like nicotine and aspirin in terms of safety. Notably, psilocybin exhibits minimal potential for abuse or addiction, and its controlled administration is generally well-tolerated.

The lush landscapes of Oregon, known for their natural beauty, have become the backdrop for a pioneering shift in psychedelic legislation. In the wake of the 2020 bill, Oregon has not only decriminalized psilocybin but has taken a bold step in regulating and making it accessible to the public. This seismic change has sparked both excitement and questions about the legal landscape surrounding psilocybin in the state..

Oregon Psilocybin Services Program

The legislative overhaul brought forth the Oregon Psilocybin Services Program, signaling a move from traditional therapeutic models to a more inclusive approach. Unlike the restricted medical card system for marijuana, Oregon's program allows individuals aged 21 and above to partake in certified psilocybin sessions at service centers.

However, the transformation from therapists to facilitators has sparked discussions and raised eyebrows. Originally envisioned as a therapeutic regimen under licensed therapists, the language of the bill has shifted towards sessions supervised by facilitators. While this change might enhance access, concerns linger around the lack of licensure and professional education for facilitators, potentially leaving therapists in a precarious position.

The Role of Psilocybin Facilitator

Facilitators, as outlined by the statute, are not licensed or educated like therapists. Their role is distinct, focusing on providing a non-directive approach to facilitating psilocybin services. This means supporting a safe, client-led experience without the authority to diagnose or treat mental health conditions. While facilitators may hold other professional licenses, they cannot practice those professions while involved in psilocybin-related sessions.

However, the importance of therapists in the preparation and integration process remains significant. As the landscape evolves, the collaboration between facilitators and therapists may prove to be a vital aspect of ensuring the well-being of individuals undergoing psilocybin therapy.

The Driving Force behind Change

The passage of the bill owes much to the persistent advocacy of individuals like Sheri and Thomas Eckert, therapists in Oregon. Their belief in the therapeutic potential of psilocybin led to years of dedicated work and culminated in the historic Measure 109. Sheri's passing shortly after the vote led to the establishment of a foundation in her honor, continuing her mission of ensuring equitable access to psychedelic education and services.

Thomas Eckert now leads the Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board (OPAB), tasked with shaping the regulatory framework for psilocybin in the state. Their work involves standardizing various aspects, including manufacture, transportation, sale, and purchase of psilocybin. The board is also delving into crucial research on dosage, potency, strains, and the distinction between synthetic and whole mushrooms.

The Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board's Mandate

Between January 2021 and December 2022, the OPAB faces the monumental task of establishing guidelines for manufacturers, facilitators, and service centers. Their research extends to dosage specifics, potency levels, and the intricate details of psilocybin use. Manufacturers and facilitators will need licenses, and service centers will have to obtain licensure before offering psilocybin services.

As the first state to implement such a comprehensive system, Oregon is breaking new ground and setting a precedent for others to follow. The OPAB's commitment to research and regulation reflects a concerted effort to ensure the safe and responsible integration of psilocybin into mental health services.

Get psilocybin therapy in Oregon at Innervana

Get Psilocybin Therapy In Oregon At Innervana

At Innervana discover a transformative journey with Dayton Mason, licensed psilocybin facilitator in Oregon. Specializing in alleviating anxiety, depression, end-of-life concerns, and more with psilocybin therapy, Dayton offers a unique blend of scientific know-how and empathetic guidance.

About Dayton Mason

With over two decades of experience working with psilocybin mushrooms, my mission is to provide compassionate support and lead clients to their own inner guidance, especially those individuals grappling with anxiety and depression. Working in Hospice and palliative care as a Spiritual Counselor and Harpist for nearly a decade, I come from a background of assisting patients, families, and caregivers through many of life's challenges. I personally understand the power of transformative experiences. By leveraging the profound potential of psilocybin, my aim is to assist others to untangle internal struggles, which offer invaluable shifts in perspective, regardless of one's circumstances. Having experienced this shift myself, I know how to empower individuals through the integration process. I have even written a short book, called “Nature-Based Awakening” detailing my experience.

Is Psilocybin Beneficial for Me?

Only you can understand if psilocybin can work for you. Also it's not a perfect solution for everyone. For instance, people with a history of psychosis and mania may be triggered by psychedelic substances. By developing a relationship with a psychedelic facilitator, together you can make the decision to pursue psilocybin therapy.

There are certain diagnoses that psilocybin has been very useful so far. Psilocybin has proven itself beneficial for treating depression, anxiety, and trauma. It's even compared with Lexapro, an antidepressant. And psilocybin performed better in the long term.

If you are still unsure about choosing the right therapy for you. Contact Dayton a Licensed psilocybin facilitator for a free consultation. Also read useful information about psilocybin for mental health in our blog.


Psilocybin Therapy


Psilocybin Therapy: What to know about Oregon’s Psilocybin Services